The mighty UUK was my first design. I wanted a fighting knife that could do more than a regular fighter and still be useful in the field.
Every line on the UUK has a purpose; the blade, basically a spear head, has proven its lethality throughout history. The handle was designed with ergonomics in mind to maximize the grip strength.
The angle between the guard and the blade creates a perfect V shaped funnel to guide down longer blades or sticks to the circular blade catcher.
The UUK is not a curved blade design, it a combination of a straight blade and a straight handle put together at a 45 degree angle.
This 45 degrees angle offset gives the UUK the thrusting power of a push dagger with hacking power of an axe, all in a package roughly the size of a 1911 pistol. Thrusting power in both saber and reverse grip, and no loss of reach in reverse grip.
The top “curve” between the handle and the edge makes it easier to trap an offensive limb.
The UUK could be the only knife you’ll ever need.
The UUK Vampire embodies the philosophy behind the UUK by amplifying every attributes of the Original UUK.
The UUK Vampire could well be the only knife you’ll ever need.
This batch comes with a battle bronze Cerakote finish.
Designed and made in the USA out of Magnacut steel.